The Xiros Mikro model has an impressive 8 kg ice capacity, capable of extracting up to 4 kg of ice from the product in a single day. It standard comes equipped with 5 electrically heated shelves and 5 high quality stainless steel trays, all included as part of the standard package, when buying your Xiros Mikro freeze dryer.

You can easily interchange the tray stack and go up to 9 shelves tray stack, easily plug-and-play chance of any tray stack.

We recommend using a scroll dry (oil free) vacuum pump with your Xiros Mikro Freeze Dryer. Very low maintenance and quiet operations are just a few of the many benefits of a scroll dry vacuum pump.

To optimize your pre-freezing process and maintain perfect control over this first step in your freeze-drying process, we recommend using our specially build Preseva -25º Plus (21 Shelves) Freezer.

Features & Benefits of the Xiros Mikro:

  • All in one process
  • Store your induvial customize recipes in one of the 4 buttons with up to 16 steps processing
  • Choice of  manual or automatic operation
  • Market leading ice holding capacity for larger batches or longer defrost intervals
  • Easy load due to low profile machine design
  • Full stainless steal interior including the tray-stack and tray sets
  • Easily exchangeable shelves stack (3, 5, 7 up to to 9 shelves (to your preference) Video how to chance the tray stacks
  • Designed to run 24 hours 7 day’s a week perfect for running as a production machine
  • High-quality vacuum technology fittings and connectors used (made for this process, and up to the task)
  • Defrost Function by shelf heating
  • High quality and performance components from leading suppliers
  • Controllable vacuum valve (closing of the chamber from vacuum pump)
  • CE certified

Specifications of the Xiros Mikro:

  • 3, 5, 7 up to to 9 shelves (adaptable to your needs) tray stack.
  • Ice Condenser Volume of 11 Liter
  • Ice Condenser Capacity is 8 Kilo grams
  • Ice Condenser Performance is 4 Kilo grams in 24 hours
  • Ice condenser Temperature -40 °C
  • Minimum Shelf Temperature for Freezing -35 °C
  • Maximum Shelf Temperature for Drying +60 °C
  • Shelf Temperature Accuracy +/- 3 °C
  • Typical Product Capacity is 9.6 kg at 80% moisture content
  • Ultimate Vacuum of 1.5 x 10-1 mbar
  • Maximum Vacuum Pump Current is 3A
  • Refrigerant used is R290 (a environment friendly coolant)
  • Noise Level (without vacuum pump) is 54 dB(A)

Controller of the Xiros Mikro:

  • Interfaces USB, RS232C
  • 5” colour touchscreen
  • Programmable to suit specific applications e.g. to reduce the loss of terpenes
  • Manual Operation options
  • Automatic drying cycle
  • USB connectivity for software upgrades and data logging

DIMENSIONS 748 X 770 X 507Y mm
TRAY SIZE up to 9 shelf (200x450x15mm)
SELF DISTANCE 5 shelves 40 mm
SELF DISTANCE 9 shelves 19 mm
WEIGHT kg 87
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