Water-bath chiller for bags NILMA FASTERCOLD


Water-bath chiller for bags NILMA FASTERCOLD


The institutional catering sector, delicatessens and food industries need to plan production cycles being deferred from the food distribution phase, and having the longest shelf life possible. Hygienically, this procedure requires the use of a quick and safe thermal chilling technology.
With the ‘Nilma Cook&Chill’ System, immediately after cooking, products such as sauces, ragouts, soups, béchamel sauces, etc. can be pumped and dosed into pouches and then quickly chilled in a bath of refrigerated water in Fastercold.
Fastercold quickly chills bagged foods at over 90 °C, providing chilling times being 50% shorter than conventional blast chilling, with a uniform chilling and a shelf life of over 20 days.
By quickly chilling the bagged product, besides all the practical and organisational benefits of the Cook&Chill system, Fastercold also complies with the HACCP parameters.
Fastercold enables the safe production of refrigerated products ready for reactivation, with a shelf life similar to the one of the pasteurised equivalent.
Fastercold is produced in four models, two batch types of 120 and 200 kg per cycle, and two in-line models with a loading capacity of 300 and 600 kg, respectively.
Nilma offers a complete Cook&Chill line, from cooking to dosing and bagging, up to rapid chilling with Fastercold.

POWER KW7,59,51830
CAPACITY Kgr80120300600
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